Fantastic Film Festivals (FFF): Fantasy, Horror, and Science Fiction Film Fests in the US and Canada is a collection of genre film festival artifacts and resources. Browse and search festival programs and schedules (original and compiled), data sets, interactive resources, logos/images, charts, original analysis, and literature citations.
FFF promotes scholarship and cultural heritage participation. Media scholars, genre enthusiasts, festival programmers, cinephiles, curators, media makers, librarians, and archivists are invited to explore & contribute to this site.
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Festival Programs

A collection of fantastic film festival programs from US and Canadian genre festivals. Most were compiled by combining screening schedules with film…
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Visualizing a Fest

Visual materials created for genre film festivals often embody programmers' attitudes, suggest programming content & themes, or hint at festival...
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Boston Sci-Fi Film Festival Program, 2022

PDF for 2022 marathon program of the festival; venue, films, schedule, acknowledgments
Boston Sci-Fi Film Festival Program, 2021

PDF for 2021 marathon program of the festival; venue, films, schedule, acknowledgments